Brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is nice to be back to our Psalms study today. My family and I had a nice few days away at a lake. We were very glad to be in a different place than our house after a few months of quarantine.
 I will continue this twice a week Psalms study through August. Then beginning the first week of September I will be doing one Psalm study every week and then offer a Zoom bible study on Thursday nights beginning September 10. If you would like to be a part of that Zoom study please email me and let me know. Also if you have a particular topic or book of the Bible that you would like to study let me know that as well. I will be putting the study together beginning the second week in August so please let me know of any ideas you have before then.
 Today’s psalm is Psalm 21. It is both a celebration of victory that God has given to the king and anticipated celebration of victories yet to come.
In Christ’s name and service
Pastor Robert Weller