bible study

SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE CLASS is held at 10:45am in the Parish Hall and led by the Pastor. This is an opportunity to share coffee, the Word of God, and fellowship together as we conduct a discussion type bible study.

HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS is held at 10:45am Sunday mornings in the Youth House. These members of our Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) consider Biblical teachings that affect their everyday lives, both social and spiritual. The laity leads the LYF in Bible study, worship, social events, special outings (e.g. snow trips), and parish service.

MID-WEEK HOME BIBLE STUDIES are available on Wednesdays and Thursday evening. These day and evening groups meet on a weekly basis and most are led by the laity. Bible studies also provide an opportunity for close knit fellowships where we can encourage one another in the Christian life.

For information on all Bible Study opportunities, please contact the church office via email or telephone for further details – 997-4848