SUNDAY SCHOOL is organized around small classes with dedicated members providing the joyful truths of God’s love in Christ Jesus. We begin with 3 year olds and continue through 8th grade. We use materials produced by Concordia Publishing House, a leader in sound Christian materials. They meet every Sunday at 9:45am during the regular school year.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CHOIR consists of all ages of youth. They share songs with the congregation on special occasions throughout the year.
JUNIOR CONFIRMATION CLASSES are taught at the 7th and 8th grade level. They meet evenings and study the six chief parts of Christian doctrine as outlined in Luther’s Small Catechism. After completion of these two years of study, the confirmands will reaffirm their baptismal vows in the Rite of Confirmation conducted in May.
JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH – Fun, fellowship and Christian growth are enjoyed by the Young Lutheran Youth Fellowship (YLYF) consisting of 6th, 7th and 8th graders. YLYF provides them with peer group activities based in the life of the Church and family. They meet at 10:45am on Sunday mornings in the little house.
HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS is held at 10:45am Sunday mornings in the Youth House. These members of our Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) consider Biblical teachings that affect their everyday lives, both social and spiritual. The laity leads the LYF in Bible study, worship, social events, special outings (e.g. snow trips), and parish service. Click here to send an e-mail to the Youth Director.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is held during one week in the summer. It is filled with Bible stories, crafts, songs, refreshments and good old Christian fun. Please contact the church office at 997-4848 for more information.