Members of our parish are encouraged to serve the congregation in a variety of ways, including the following as put forth in our constitution and bylaws:

THE BOARD OF STEWARDS shall educate the congregation in Biblical truths regarding the use of time, talent and treasure. They are to conduct annual congregational appeals for the funds needed to support the budget of the congregation and the Synod, analyze the giving patterns of the congregation and report the same to the Church Council, and study Synod’s stewardship suggestions and make recommendation as appropriate.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES shall be responsible for the physical property of this congregation. It shall be responsible for the maintenance of all property and equipment of the congregation, and for all insurance for congregational property and equipment.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION shall be responsible for the educational growth and nurture of the entire congregation. It shall direct the education programs, appoint all committees needed to supervise the same, may contract (within budget restrictions) needed staff, and may recommend to the assembly the calling of teachers, directors of Christian Education and other support ministry staff.

THE BOARD OF FINANCE is responsible for the receiving, accounting, banking, and reporting of all funds gathered by this congregation. The chairman of this board shall be the treasurer of the congregation. From its membership shall come the Budget Director, the Financial Secretary, and any other positions deemed necessary for the proper accounting and recording of church funds. This Board shall be responsible for developing systems and personnel to carry on the accounting of the church’s monies in a business-like manner.

THE BOARD OF EVANGELISM shall lead the congregation in both individual and corporate evangelism training programs. It shall emphasize the command of our Lord that we teach and baptize all nations. It must evaluate the outreach of the parish, encouraging the congregation to bring souls to Christ.

THE BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP shall seek to foster the parish in-reach programs for Christian fellowship. They are to seek to provide programs which unite our families together as brothers and sisters in Christ and foster a healthy Christian community life within the parish.

THE BOARD OF YOUTH MINISTRY shall encourage and coordinate the continued development, organization, and growth of youth and young adult activities within the congregation for the purpose of promoting Christian education, fellowship, recreation, and evangelism among the young people of our congregation and community.