Bulletin Items for January 29th

MONDAY MORNING MOMS: Meet us in the Little House this Monday for Christ-centered Bible Study. Opening prayer at 9:15 am. Toddlers and infants welcome! Contact Christine Schneider (636.345.2365, tinalogic@gmail.com) or just show up! Next meetings will be February 6, February 13 and March 6.

MOVIE NIGHT! Shepherd of the Valley’s High school youth group will be hosting a family movie night February 3rd! Come watch Finding Dory in your jammies while snacking on goodies from our fully-stocked snack bar. Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30. See you then!

WOMEN’S LUNCHEON Please join us February 11 at 12:30 for Women of the Vine, a luncheon featuring retired DCE, author and owner/operator of Steinbeck Vineyards, Cindy Steinbeck! To RSVP or any questions, please see Katrina Johns or call 408-440-2475.

THE SEWING GROUP made lots of quilts last year – 83 for Project Linus’ children and 39 for Real Options infants, and 28 to LWR.  We hope to do as well this year but we need help.  Please Contact Brenda, Peggy or Ruth.

HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST? Contact Brenda Patterson at prayers@sanjoselutheran.org or place a note in the box marked “Prayer Requests”.

2017 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available for pick up in the Narthex.

ISSUES, ETC.  is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL.  This week’s topics include: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade, Embryonic Autonomy, Physician-Assisted Suicide, Contraception, Embryonic Stem Cell Research and more.  You can listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.

NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: Isaiah 58:3-9a, 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16), Matthew 5: 13-20