Divine Service for June 28

Order of Worship for June 28 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We continue to gather on our lawn for worship twice each Sunday morning at 9 and 11 am. If you have not yet attended one of these service and wish to do so, please let pastor know at pastor@sanjoselutheran.org....

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 18

Psalm 18 Brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in our Savior’s name! We continue our Psalms study with Psalm 18. As I have settled into my new weekly work routine, I am discovering that it is easier for me to get these studies out on Wednesdays and Fridays rather than...

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 17

Psalm 17 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We have reached Psalm 17 in our online bible study. What a wonderful time this has been to be in God’s Word. I am so grateful, that while the circumstances are strange that brought this about, we have had the opportunity to be...

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Study of Psalms – Psalm 16

Psalm 16 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We have arrived at Psalm 16 in our study. This study is especially useful in our current world environment. The uncertain future and the highlight of that uncertainty by the pandemic and racial unrest in our world sets the perfect backdrop for this...

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 15

Psalm 15 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We continue our study of the psalms with Psalm 15. It is the shortest of the psalms we have studied thus far. It asks the question of what makes it possible for us to dwell with God. We as Christians know that we...

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Divine Service for June 14

Order of Worship for June 14 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We are blessed to be able to be back to worship, albeit in groups of 25 or less and outdoors. We have currently scheduled services for 9 am and 11 am on Sunday mornings. We also this last weekend...

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 14

Psalm 14 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I apologize for the delay in this study. Yesterday simply got away from me and I ran out of time. Today’s psalm is Psalm 14 and presents us an opportunity to remember that we are in this world but not of this world....

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 13

Psalm 13 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We continue with our study of the Psalms by moving on to Psalm 13. Psalm 13 is a wonderful psalm for those who feel as if they have been waiting for an answer to prayer that hasn’t come. The “how long” of the...

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Divine Service for the Feast of Holy Trinity – June 7, 2020

Feast of Holy Trinity Brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in our Savior’s name! We were very grateful to be able to come back together for worship today in groups of 25. If for some reason, you didn’t get the message about our having services today, please let me know....

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