Study Guide: Introduction – Part I
Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings in our Savior’s name! I pray you are doing well. We are now in the week after Easter and our time of sheltering in place will continue at least until the first week of May. I have been doing daily devotionals and I hope those were useful to you. We also provided the congregation with Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday services remotely. We will continue with our weekly worship services, but we are going to change pace for the midweek videos.
Rather than daily devotionals we are going to begin to do a bible study that will give you 2 lessons a week. The bible studies are much longer than the daily devotionals. Today’s bible study is 28 minutes long. The bible studies will come to you in these emails. Along with the video bible study, each email will also have a study guide available in PDF format for you.
I have chosen to do a bible study on the Book of Psalms. This first video begins with my rationale for choosing this book of the Bible and those reasons are also listed at the beginning of the study guide. This week’s videos will serve as our introduction to the book. If there are questions that come up in your study please email them to me at . I would be happy to answer them. I pray this keeps us all in God’s Word until the time when we can gather physically for worship and study.
In Christ’s name and service,
Pastor Robert Weller