Brothers and sisters in Christ,
My prayers continually go up to God on behalf of you and I pray that the time may come quickly when we are able to be together for worship and study of God’s Word. In the meantime, I hope that our recorded worship services and the bible studies will keep us grounded in the One who delivers us from all things.
Today’s bible study continues with the introduction material to the Book of Psalms. The last video gave an overview of materials about the title, Psalms and music in worship, the structure of the book, and how best to approach understanding the Psalms. Today’s lesson begins to look at the literary categories that the Psalms fit in. There are six of them. We will look at three today and then three in the next lesson. Following that last introduction lesson, we will begin to study the Psalms individually.
May God continue to be with you in our time apart. The link for the video and for the study guide are found below.
Here is the link for the video:
In Christ’s name and service,
Pastor Robert Weller