Study of the Psalms – Psalm 2

Psalm 2

We continue our study of the Psalms during the week and worship on the weekends. We have just learned that the time of our sheltering in place has been extended to the end of May. That means that we will not be able to be in worship together in our sanctuary until at least June 7. I know this is difficult but we will continue to follow the government’s guidelines.
This psalm provides an opportunity to talk about the government and its relationship to God and our faith. This is a messianic psalm, which means that it prophesies and deals with Jesus. Yet, there are also elements in it that give us a chance to talk about our relationship to the governing officials. Please take a few moments and spend them in bible study with me. If you want to be prepared ahead of time, here are three passages you may want to have marked in your bibles before you start the video:
Psalm 2
Acts 4:23-31
Philippians 2:5-11

There are other passages cited but these are some of the longer ones used.

In Christ’s name and service
Pastor Robert Weller