Study of Psalms – Psalm 18 (Part III)

Psalm 18 (Part III)

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We have come to the third and final lesson for Psalm 18 covering 18:30-50. In the first lesson, verses 1-15, we covered the psalmist’s cry to the Lord and the Theophany that was God’s response. In the second lesson, verses 16-29, we are shown God’s answer and the result of that answer. In today’s lesson, verses 30-50, David praises God for who He is and for what He has done for him. The psalm concludes with a doxology of praise.

There are some pretty unique metaphors in this psalm, in particular the notion of “hind’s feet”. A hind is a female deer that moves quickly as it replants it back legs in exactly the same place as its front legs have run. God gives us such sure footing as this when we rely upon him!

Pastor Robert Weller