Greetings! The Church Year is moving steadily on and we have completed the season of Lent. Lent is a time of contemplation upon the price of our sin and the love of our Savior. As we moved through these 40 days leading to Easter, we kept our eyes focused upon the cross where we see both the price of our sin and the love of our Savior, who was willing to die for us. Typically we follow a theme throughout the season of Lent and this year’s theme was “Witnesses to Christ.” It is based on a Lent series developed by Rev. R. Reed Lessing who is a professor at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota, and daily devotion booklets written by Rev. Lessing were distributed to all the families to aid us in our Lenten observation.
Each week from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday we heard from those who journeyed to the cross with Christ, from those who were villains in the crucifixion story and those who were closest to Christ. We gathered for Evening Prayer at 7 PM each Wednesday in Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday and broke bread together during our soup suppers in the parish hall preceding the services.
Our Holy Week observations included services on Maundy Thursday, April 14, and Good Friday, April 15, both at 7 PM. Easter services were held on Sunday, April 17 with an organ led service at 9 AM and a praise team led service at 11 AM. In between services we enjoyed fellowship during an extended coffee hour outside with fruit and baked goods, celebrating together our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us during our Sunday morning worship services as we continue with this celebration throughout the year.