Brothers and sisters in Christ,
I pray all is well with you. We continue our sheltering-in-place but there are definite signs of some restrictions being lifted. I was glad to be able to be in on a Zoom meeting today with other clergy and religious officials from across Santa Clara County to talk with a member of the Board of Supervisors. We expressed our desire that we be given guidelines to allow us to meet again in some way. We will have to continue with no worship at this time, but hopefully follow up from this meeting will yield results.
Today’s Psalm study is on Psalm 5. I especially like verse 12 of Psalm 5, “For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as a shield.†In these uncertain times, God’s favor, His grace, surrounds and protects us. I pray this study in His Word strengthens you in that truth.
In Christ’s name and service
Pastor Robert Weller