Divine Service for August 23

Order of Worship for August 23

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

I had hoped that our gathering in person for worship could continue unhindered. Yet, no one could have predicted the confluence of events that have once again prevented us from gathering on our church lawn. The restrictions around the pandemic prevent us from being in our beautiful sanctuary and now the smoke produced by the numerous wildfires in the area have made gathering outside unhealthy because of the poor air quality. I pray that this is only a momentary setback. 

In spite of all these difficulties, this remains true:  the Lord is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress! We need not fear these temporary conditions for whatever the outcome, we remain God’s people bought by our Savior’s blood and predestined for resurrection by His own resurrection. Today’s sermon is focused upon the great confession of Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Our God is indeed living and we indeed have a Christ who has won us for times beyond these present difficulties. I look forward to being with you in person again soon, but even if that should be put off we are united by Him who has died that we might live and risen that we might live eternally!

In Christ’s name and service,

Pastor Robert Weller