50th Anniversary Remembrance on Sunday, March 10, 2019

Fifty years ago on this day, our congregation was formally organized with 32 families and 68 communicant members.  Originally known as Almaden Lutheran Church, the constitution was drafted and signed one week later, and the name formally changed to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.  In celebration of this 50th...

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Vacation Bible School 2019

Place: Shepherd of The Valley Lutheran Church 1281 Redmond Avenue San Jose, CA 95120 (408) 997-4848 Dates: June 24th-28th Time: 9 am – Noon Ages: 3 Years old (at time of VBS) and potty trained through Fifth Grade Cost: $30.00 Per Child, Make checks payable to “Shepherd of the Valley”...

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Bingo Night – Saturday February 2 6:30PM

SOTV DESSERT & BINGO – Youth Group Fundraiser Saturday, February 2 6:30pm SOTV Fellowship Hall Come for a fun night of dessert, coffee, hot cocoa, bingo & prizes! Cost: Adults $10, Children $5 – Includes dessert & drinks and 1 reusable bingo card for the night. Additional bingo cards sold...

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Reformation Service and Oktoberfest Luncheon on October 28

Following the Reformation worship service (9:30 AM) and education hour (10:45 AM) on Sunday, October 28, we will be enjoying a festive potluck Oktoberfest luncheon in the parish hall.  Brats/hot dogs, bread, and beverages will be provided, as well as German festival music and activities for the kids (some for...

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