Study of Psalms – Psalm 4

Psalm 4 Brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope this email finds you doing well. We are now into our second month of sheltering-in-place. Even as we continue to maintain our social distancing, we are beginning to see signs of restrictions being eased. We look forward to a time when...

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Divine Service for May 3

Order of Worship for May 3 We are now at the Fourth Sunday of Easter and I had hoped to be back in worship in our sanctuary by now. We will still need to be patient. The time will come and what a joyful time it will be. Nevertheless, our...

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 3

Psalm 3 We continue our study of the Psalms with Psalm 3. Psalm 3 is one of the psalms that we are able to put into an historical context because it comes with a title and historical reference. Psalm 3 provides us with a great view into someone’s prayer who...

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Study of the Psalms – Psalm 2

Psalm 2 We continue our study of the Psalms during the week and worship on the weekends. We have just learned that the time of our sheltering in place has been extended to the end of May. That means that we will not be able to be in worship together...

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Divine Service for April 26

Order of worship for April 26 We continue to meet around God’s Word for worship remotely, but there are hopeful signs that things may be changing. Keep praying about that and I look forward to God’s bringing us back together as His people in His sanctuary. Please note: This week’s worship video...

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Study of Psalm 1

Psalm 1 Brothers and sisters in Christ, We continue our study of the Psalms and today we move into the psalms themselves. There have been three introduction lessons and today we look at Psalm 1. It is a fairly short psalm, only 6 verses. Yet it really sets the stage...

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Study of Psalms – Part IIb

Introduction – Part IIb Brothers and sisters in Christ,   I pray you are well. We are quite a ways into this time of isolation and we are unsure of how long it will last. I have begun to think about what worship might look like when we come out...

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Study of Psalms – Part IIa

Introduction-Part_IIa.pdf Brothers and sisters in Christ, My prayers continually go up to God on behalf of you and I pray that the time may come quickly when we are able to be together for worship and study of God’s Word. In the meantime, I hope that our recorded worship services...

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Study of Psalms – Part 1

Study Guide: Introduction – Part I Brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in our Savior’s name! I pray you are doing well. We are now in the week after Easter and our time of sheltering in place will continue at least until the first week of May. I have been...

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Devotional for April 9, 2019

Brothers and sisters in Christ,     Today’s devotional finishes up with the Joy window in the narthex. It may seem like a strange time to talk about joy with everything that is goin on in the world. Yet, joy isn’t the same as happiness. Happiness comes and goes depending...

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